Psychological Clinic Warsaw | Psychoterapia CO Tam?
Umów wizytę

Psychology Psychotherapy Psychiatrist for english speaking persons

Are you afraid of traveling by bus? Are you scared of your thoughts about death? Do you have intrusive thoughts that you can not sleep through? Or maybe some habits make it difficult for you to function everyday, for example, washing your hands too often? If you feel that you can not cope, contact us for an interview with an experienced and committed psychotherapist in one of our psychology center in Warsaw.

Zdjęcie specjalistów

Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapy in Warsaw

You should contact us if:

You should contact us if:

  • you are afraid of meeting people
  • you have a problem finding your other half
  • you argue with your partner / partner,\you have intrusive, recurring thoughts – for example, you wash your hands too often
  • you have problems with proper nutrition
  • you suspect your depression or personality disorder
  • you suffer from anxiety or neurosis
  • you feel that your problems are overwhelming you
  • you have difficulty in getting along with others
  • you do not control your emotions
  • you have aggression attacks
  • you are worried about your child’s behavior
  • you are experiencing mourning
  • you want to improve the quality of your life
  • you can not sleep or you have nightmares
  • you have difficult childhood memories
  • it’s difficult to focus
  • you can not enjoy life or you do not want to live
  • you want to improve your relationship with your partner / partner
  • you want to improve your relationship with your child
  • you are planning big changes in your life (divorce, moving, changing jobs)
  • You need a sincere conversation with an open person in a friendly atmosphere

Our motto is "Psychotherapy close to you"

 We provide the support of a team of experienced specialists: psychologists-diagnostics, psychotherapists and psychiatrists. We specialize in helping children, young people, their parents and young adults. The conversation, starting with the simple words “what’s up?” (Co Tam?), Can turn into one that will help you deal with difficulties. It is the professionalism, commitment and home atmosphere that distinguishes our Warsaw clinics. Make an appointment for a psychotherapy session at our psychotherapy center in Warsaw and feel better!

What does the first consultation with a psychologist look like?

The most important element of the first consultation with a psychologist is a thorough interview. It allows you to determine the scale and type of the problem (including its cause) and to plan the further therapeutic process, if necessary. It is worth writing down all important matters regarding the issue as well as questions that we would like to ask the specialist, and the more doubts we will dispel, the more effective the meeting will be.

How long does a psychological consultation last?

Psychological consultations, depending on the difficulty of the problem, are about 3-5 meetings with a psychologist, before the diagnosis and treatment are made. Sometimes psychological advice alone is enough, in more serious conditions such as anxiety, neurosis or depression, psychotherapy will be indicated. During the consultation, the psychologist may also recommend consulting a psychiatrist, because the symptoms are so severe that they require prescribing medications.

How long does psychotherapy last?

Psychotherapy, unlike classical medicine, does not have standard procedures. Each patient is different and each issue is extremely individualized. Every specialist wants the patient to feel relief and a significant improvement in the quality of their life as soon as possible. But psychotherapy is not a ready-made medicine, after which we will immediately feel the difference. Psychotherapy is a process that, depending on the subject matter, may be short-term or long-term psychotherapy. Much also depends on our commitment and willingness to make a change in our lives.

What is more effective - psychotherapy or medications?

Both methods are most often practiced as mutually supportive. Each method has its universal advantages that, when combined with each other, can give the best effect for the patient.

Pharmacotherapy brings immediate results – although it does not eliminate the problem at its source or its causes. The goal of pharmacotherapy is to quickly minimize the symptoms that are extremely difficult for the patient and may reduce or prevent attending psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy is a process that gives long-term effects and eliminates the problem at its source. However, it takes time before we feel clear changes for the better.


Dr Agnieszka Siedler

Dr Agnieszka Siedler

Psycholog, Psycholog dzieci i młodzieży

  • Poznawczo-behawioralny
Przyjmuje: Młodzież i dzieci w każdym wieku
Rodzaj terapii: Terapia indywidualna
Ikona pinezki mapy
  • Targówek - Borzymowska
  • Poradnia Online
Umów wizytę
Marcin Zarzycki

Marcin Zarzycki


Przyjmuje: Osoby dorosłe i młodzież od 18 roku życia.
Rodzaj terapii: Konsultacje Psychiatryczne
Ikona pinezki mapy
  • Targówek - Borzymowska
  • Poradnia Online
Umów wizytę
Klaudia Andrzejczak

Klaudia Andrzejczak

Psycholog, Psycholog dzieci i młodzieży, Psychoterapeuta

  • TSR - Terapia skoncentrowana na rozwiązaniach
Przyjmuje: Osoby dorosłe, młodzież i dzieci od 14 roku życia.
Rodzaj terapii: Terapia indywidualna, Terapia par
Ikona pinezki mapy
  • Bemowo - Bolkowska
  • Poradnia Online
Umów wizytę
Agnieszka Buśko

Agnieszka Buśko


  • Poznawczo-behawioralny
  • Terapia schematu
Przyjmuje: Osoby dorosłe i młodych dorosłych od 18-tego roku życia.
Rodzaj terapii: Terapia indywidualna
Ikona pinezki mapy
  • Wilanów - Wiertnicza
  • Poradnia Online
Umów wizytę
Agata Kwaśniewska

Agata Kwaśniewska

Psycholog, Psycholog dzieci i młodzieży, Psychoterapeuta

  • Gestalt
Przyjmuje: Osoby dorosłe, dzieci i młodzież od 12 do 18 r. ż., praca z rodzicami młodzieży, pracownicy oświaty.
Rodzaj terapii: Terapia indywidualna
Ikona pinezki mapy
  • Włochy - Mikołajska
Umów wizytę


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